Ben's Beginner Weight Training Program

Ben's Beginner Weight Training Program
Ben's Beginner Weight Training Program
                                   Ben's Beginner Weight Training Program
     I'm pretty much a beginner to serious lifting, but I've been doing  this routine for a couple months and it seems to be working. 
For every exercise I like to do 2 warm-up sets of 12 with light weight, and then increase the  weight so I do sets of 10, then 8, then 6.
     Sunday:  Back and Biceps 

         Machine row -  2 warm-up sets
         Dumbbell row
         Lat pull down  (I can't do pull-ups yet) - 2 warm-up sets, 3 working sets
         Standing  barbell curls - 1 warm-up set, 3 working sets
         Concentration  or preacher dumbbell curls, 2 working sets

     Tuesday:  Chest and triceps 

         Machine chest  press - 2 warm-up sets
         Machine chest  flies - 2 warm-up sets, 2 working sets
         Dumbbell  bench press - 3 working sets
         Dumbbell  flies - 2 working sets
         Dumbbell  pullover - 2 working sets
         Dips - 1  warm-up set, 3 working sets
         Cable press  down with rope, 2 warm-up sets
         Overhead  dumbbell press - 2 working sets

   Thursday:  Shoulders and abs 

         Machine  shoulder (military) press - 2 warm-up sets
         Dumbbell  military press - 3 working sets
         Lateral  dumbbell raises - 3 working sets
         Cable rear  lateral raises - 2 working sets
         Crunches - 2  sets of 30
         Decline bench  sit-ups - 1 set of 30
         Hanging leg  raises - 2 sets of 20

   Saturday:  Legs 

         45 minutes on  an elliptical machine with a high resistance
         Squats/leg  press - 2 warm-up sets, 3 working sets
         Machine leg  extension - 2 warm-up sets with both legs, 3 working sets with each leg
         Machine leg  curl - same as extension
         Standing calf  raise - same as extension
         - Routine  submitted by Ben 

     For  illustrations and descriptions of the weight training exercises, please go to  the following page: 
     Weight  lifting exercises 

Weight Lifting Routines

Weight Lifting Exercises

Weight Training Programs

How to gain weight fast

Free lifting weight workout tips

Build muscle lose fat

Best biceps triceps stretch 

Best muscle building 

Eating to Lose Weight diet

Lose weight diet

                                                                         © 2007 copyright Ben's Beginner Weight Training Program